
If Nitro Studio was so good, why isn't there a Nitro Studio 2? Well it was so good so now there's a 2nd one that's even better. It's a lot easier to use over the original and has a ton of new features! Try it out!

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Sequence Commands

When editing Sequences or Sequence Archives you are bound to run into Sequence commands. Sequence commands can also be specified via MIDI controls when the MIDI is converted to a Sequence.


Notes are specified by note name, type, and number. For example, cn4 is C Note 4, and gs5 is G Sharp 5. Instead of saying B Flat, you would have to say A Sharp. The higher the number, the higher the octave. Minus 1 notes also exist, which look like cnm1 or C Note Minus 1. You can specify a note from cnm1 to gn9. Middle C is cn4. Here is a table that lists all the possible notes and gives their MIDI number.

Note Number
cnm1 0
csm1 1
dnm1 2
dsm1 3
enm1 4
fnm1 5
fsm1 6
gnm1 7
gsm1 8
anm1 9
asm1 10
bnm1 11
cn0 12
cs0 13
dn0 14
ds0 15
en0 16
fn0 17
fs0 18
gn0 19
gs0 20
an0 21
as0 22
bn0 23
cn1 24
cs1 25
dn1 26
ds1 27
en1 28
fn1 29
fs1 30
gn1 31
gs1 32
an1 33
as1 34
bn1 35
cn2 36
cs2 37
dn2 38
ds2 39
en2 40
fn2 41
fs2 42
gn2 43
gs2 44
an2 45
as2 46
bn2 47
cn3 48
cs3 49
dn3 50
ds3 51
en3 52
fn3 53
fs3 54
gn3 55
gs3 56
an3 57
as3 58
bn3 59
cn4 60
cs4 61
dn4 62
ds4 63
en4 64
fn4 65
fs4 66
gn4 67
gs4 68
an4 69
as4 70
bn4 71
cn5 72
cs5 73
dn5 74
ds5 75
en5 76
fn5 77
fs5 78
gn5 79
gs5 80
an5 81
as5 82
bn5 83
cn6 84
cs6 85
dn6 86
ds6 87
en6 88
fn6 89
fs6 90
gn6 91
gs6 92
an6 93
as6 94
bn6 95
cn7 96
cs7 97
dn7 98
ds7 99
en7 100
fn7 101
fs7 102
gn7 103
gs7 104
an7 105
as7 106
bn7 107
cn8 108
cs8 109
dn8 110
ds8 111
en8 112
fn8 113
fs8 114
gn8 115
gs8 116
an8 117
as8 118
bn8 119
cn9 120
cs9 121
dn9 122
ds9 123
en9 124
fn9 125
fs9 126
gn9 127


A label is used as a marker. It has its own line, and followed by a colon. For example, Label_0: would be a label named Label_0.

Private Labels

Labels that start with _ are private labels and can only be accessed by all commands between the last nonprivate label and the next nonprivate label. However, due to how the Sequence library is programmed, this rule is ignored.

Standard Commands

A command is used to do something. A command can take up to 2 parameters. The equation to converting the volume to a percentage is (Volume / 127) ^ 2 * (Volume2 / 127) ^ 2 * 100.

Command Name Parameter 1 Parameter 2 MIDI Control Example Description
Note Velocity (0 - 127) Duration In Ticks (0 - 268435455) Note On cn4 127, 48 Plays Middle C with velocity 127 for 48 ticks
Wait Duration In Ticks (0 - 268435455) N/A N/A wait 48 Waits for 48 ticks before continuing
Open Track Track Number (0 - 15) Label To Start The Track At N/A opentrack 3, SeqTrack3 Starts track 3 at the label SeqTrack3
Jump Label To Jump To N/A Using Nitro Studio 2’s converter, a marker with jump then followed by a space then the label name jump SeqMiddle Jumps to the label SeqMiddle. Jumps are usually used for looping
Call Label To Call N/A N/A call SeqPart3 Jumps to the label SeqPart3 then returns once a Return command is found
Pan Value (0 - 127) Where 64 Is Center, 127 Is All Right, 0 Is All Left N/A 10 pan 75 Sets the track’s pan slightly to the right. Default is 64
Volume Value (0 - 127) N/A 7 volume 100 Sets the track’s volume to 100
Main Volume Value (0 - 127) N/A 12 main_volume 100 Set’s the player’s volume to 100. Default is 127
Transpose Value (-64 - 63) N/A 13 transpose 2 Makes every note 2 semitones higher. Default is 0
Pitch Bend Value (-128 - 127) N/A Pitch Wheel pitchbend 100 Adjusts the pitch to be (100 / 127) ^ 2 * 100 times the Bend Range semitones. Default is 0
Bend Range Value (0 - 127) N/A 20 bendrange 12 Sets the bend range to be 12 semitones. The default is two. In this example, if a pitchbend of 127 was used, the pich would go up by 12 semitones
Priority Value (0 - 127) N/A 14 prio 70 Sets the track’s priority to 70. Default is 64
Note Wait _on or _off N/A N/A notewait_off Does not wait for a note to finish before continuing. Default is on
Tie on or off N/A N/A tieon Notes don’t end and new notes just change the pitch and velocity of the playing note. Default is off
Portamento Value (0 - 127) N/A 84 porta 100 Sets the track’s portamento to 100