
Editor for 3ds, WiiU, and Switch sound files.

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Sequences (.bfseq, .bcseq)

Sequences play notes from a particular bank. This can be used for sound effects, level music, or anything else.

The Main File

The main file consists of a standard File Header, a Data Block, and a Label block. Each block is padded to be 0x20 bytes. The file data is the same for each version, with the standard being 1.0.0.

Type Description
FileHeader Standard File Header (Magic: FSEQ or CSEQ. Always contains 2 blocks)
Block Data Block (Reference Type: 0x5000)
Block Label Block (Reference Type: 0x5001)

Data Block Body (Magic: DATA)

Contains only raw sequence data. See the Sequence Data Specification for details. Padded to 0x20 bytes. It’s important to note that the sequence data is always big endian for the Wii U and 3ds, but little endian for the Switch.

Offset Type Description
0x00 u8[Block size - 8] Raw sequence data
—- Padding for alignment

Label Block Body (Magic: LABL)

Contains labels to jump to in the sequence data.

Offset Type Description
0x00 Table<Reference> References to each Label (Reference Type: 0x5100)
0x04 + 8 * Table Count Label[Table Count] Labels referenced earlier
—- Padding for alignment


Contains the label name and offset to data in the sequence data. Think of a label as an entrypoint in the data, like a door. Each label is padded to 0x4 bytes.

Offset Type Description
0x00 Reference Reference to start in raw sequence data (Reference Type: 0x1F00)
0x08 u32 Size of the label name
0x0C char[Size of label name] The name of the label. There is still a null terminator after this for whatever reason
—- Padding for alignment


A tree to sum up the structure of the file:

SEQ File:
|-File Header
|-Data Block
|    |-Raw sequence data.
|-Label Block
|    |-Reference table to labels.
|        |-Label with reference to data entrypoint, and name.